The Individual and Society 1st Edition 1st Edition (English, Paperback, Department Of English)

The Individual and Society 1st Edition 1st Edition (English, Paperback, Department Of English)

<em>The Individual and Society</em> is the prescribed textbook for undergraduate students of English in Delhi University. The book comprises a collection of essays, short stories and poems around the themes of caste, class, gender, race, and globalization. In addition, the book consists of editorial material, head-notes, annotations and questions to help understand the concepts better. This book is essential for students of Sociology and English preparing for the postgraduate entrance examinations.

The Individual and Society is the prescribed textbook for undergraduate students of English in Delhi University. The book comprises a collection of essays, short stories and poems around the themes of caste, class, gender, race, and globalization. In addition, the book consists of editorial material, head-notes, annotations and questions to help understand the concepts better. This book is essential for students of Sociology and English preparing for the postgraduate entrance examinations.
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Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9788131704172, 8131704173
Language: English
Pages: 266
Publisher: Pearson

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